If you are not able to wait for a few minutes then call Us +91 9437428585, WhatsApp +91 9437428585
Australia, UK, Newzealand, Canada
We invite to work:
men, women, couples under the age of 55. Women under the age of 45-47 years, men – 55-57.
3 shifts of 8 hours + additional shifts on weekends.
CZK 140.00/hour + bonus CZK 5,000.00.
the employer provides free housing.
– the company manufactures air conditioners for cars;
– work on the standing line;
– installation of parts;
– work with a screwdriver.
Additional information:
– work clothes are issued by the company free of charge, shoes must have their own, there are no special
requirements for shoes – sneakers or boots;
– the company carries a free work bus (40 minutes);
– there is a dining room, lunch – 23.00 CZK.
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If you are not able to wait for a few minutes then call Us +91 9437428585, WhatsApp +91 9437428585