If you are not able to wait for a few minutes then call Us +91 9437428585, WhatsApp +91 9437428585
Australia, UK, Newzealand, Canada
manufacture of air conditioners and compressors.
We invite to work:
men, women, couples under the age of 50.
3 shifts of 8 hours, 5 days a week (6:00 – 14:00, 14:00 – 22:00, 22:00 – 6:00). It is also possible to get
additional working hours.
Number of working hours:
from 160 – 170 h / month.
CZK 20,750.00 per month bet + individual bonus CZK 2,500.00; bonus from the master 1 500.00 CZK;
Quarterly bonus of 3,000 CZK. There are also surcharges for extra hours and work on weekends.
the employer provides housing free of charge.
– production of air conditioners and compressors;
– work on the line;
– plant workers work with drills – screw nuts and bolts in the components of manufactured products;
– you need to comply with production standards;
– after training, the employee takes his production position and works on it until the expiration of the visa;
– before starting work, you must pass an attentiveness test (find differences, combine pairs of identical
objects, sort objects into certain groups), as well as show skills in owning a screwdriver.
– mindfulness;
– manual abilities.
Additional information:
– work clothes and shoes – issued free of charge, provided that the employee has worked at the enterprise for
3 months and returns clothes and shoes to the factory. If you finished work earlier, the cost of clothes and shoes is
deducted from wages;
– the company is located within the city. You can get there by public transport around the clock. Employees
receive instructions from the coordinator on how to buy a monthly ticket. Its cost is 520.00 CZK. Or buy single tickets
– 18.00 CZK;
– the company has a dining room, a set meal – up to 30.00 CZK. the employee.
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Providing Expert Visa, Immigration, and International Consultation Services for Students, Professionals, Travelers, and Businesses Worldwide
If you are not able to wait for a few minutes then call Us +91 9437428585, WhatsApp +91 9437428585